Joye blog, an innovative tech blog

  • Accelerating Your Writing Evolution: The NaNoWriMo to eBook Formula

    Plunging headfirst into the madcap realm of blogging – akin to a quantum leap in theoretical physics or the intricate algorithm of a pioneering software – you’re crafting an article when, out of nowhere, there’s this plotline. It’s snappy, intriguing, and feels like one of those high-level summaries on Headway or Blinkist. The internal monologue […]

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  • How-to: Tech Entrepreneurs’ Content Creation For Ultimate Social Influence

    Starting your own company and being an entrepreneur involves various aspects listed below. This article a small how-to guide with tips for entrepreneurs on marketing. Unless you have the budget to outsource, you will be doing it yourself. You can either market the product you sell, your creations or make you a brand, or all […]

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  • Research Company, The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide You Need

    Creating and leading a research company is probably the biggest dream of my life. How do I know this? Because asking myself a question, which everybody surely asked one day of their life, “What would you do if you won a lottery?”, after thinking through my first answer was creating a research company, second) as […]

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  • So many tech blogs, but only one remarkable Joye blog

    A little introduction into my core motivations behind creating a tech blog is something apparent from what you will read here regarding why and how and what will you be able to find across the Joye blog. How did the blog come to be? Someone decided to create a Programmer Competency Matrix, which went viral […]

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