Starting your own company and being an entrepreneur involves various aspects listed below. This article a small how-to guide with tips for entrepreneurs on marketing. Unless you have the budget to outsource, you will be doing it yourself. You can either market the product you sell, your creations or make you a brand, or all of the above. In my case, I decided to start out by marketing myself in an attempt to gain popularity and influence online before bringing out the products to gain momentum and interest as they are being developed, as well as gaining interest of potential investors, which involves creating content of myself and things I am involved in within my everyday life and inspiring others by example.
- Idea generation,
- business planning,
- market research,
- legal,
- funding and financial management,
- product/service development,
- branding and marketing,
- sales and distribution,
- operation and logistics,
- team building,
- risk management,
- networking,
- adaptability,
- time management,
- customer service,
- innovation,
- resilience, as well as
- consideration of long term-plans, such as scaling or selling your business.
In the current age, being a social influencer means:
- Content creation, such as videos, photos, articles, podcasts, pieces of code, art, music etc…
- Selecting your niche. To bring forwards as much interest as possible is to create binge worthy content. For this reason I created multiple social media accounts, so that I can avoid and eliminate “pick-n-mix” content that would deter people who may not like specific types of content. Also, humans in general love predictability, as with that comes the safety of knowing what to expect.
- Engaging and building a connection with your audience is crucial. This can be done by not only sharing your content, but also replying to comments, messages and supporting the content they create.
- Consistency to keep engagement and interest of your audience.
- Authenticity by being genuine in your content and interactions to build trust.
- Partnerships and collaborations.
- Exploring monetization strategies, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, selling merchandise or offering paid subscriptions.
- Using the analysis tools to check on what kind of content gets the most engagement, to improve your techniques.
- Developing a strong and recognizable personal branding that sets you apart from others within your niche.
- Planning your content strategy, regarding what, when and how you will share content to reach your marketing goals.
- Staying informed about the trends and best practices within your niche.
- Staying resilient in the face of the difficulties.
- Realizing the impact you have on others and using it to make the world a better place.
Switch from consumer to a creator mindset
Switching your mentality from that of a consumer to a creator isn’t easy. Here are some helpful tips:
- Conquer your fear of embarrassment about the content you create, and just create. In the end, it does not have to be published or seen by anyone. You can create lots and choose the best, or share your mistakes and failures with the world for a laugh, maybe on a bloopers account.
- Aim to become a master and share your story
- Set specific times for creating and consuming
- Make content that doesn’t require preparation- create what you know
- Start a challenge, or join one
- Make an ideas notebook and be spontaneous: just make something
- Don’t aim for perfect
- Get inspired by videos of what other people are doing
- Finish up the online course you started
- Use a new tool or creative method
- Use the pomodoro technique
- Remind yourself that if you are consistent, you will eventually accomplish something big. It all adds up.
- Pick one of these hints and Just Do It* right now!
*nikes motivational slogan
Rewarding and challenging life of a tech entrepreneur and social influencer
Being an entrepreneur and a social influencer can be rewarding but also challenging; you can gain interest on social media by creating content people love, actively supporting others and the content they create and being active within communities of your interests. Success requires dedication, perseverance, willingness to learn and adapt, creation of quality content, effective engagement and building trust with your audience. Please don’t forget to subscribe to Joye’s mailing list, and follow social medias for more.
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